Autumn Arrives

As I have written previously, I find the change in seasons particularly challenging at this time of year. Today I’m feeling the cold, and I am incorrectly dressed. My resistance to the colder, darker mornings and evenings of autumn and winter means I am stuck in the suffering of wanting something to be different and other than it is; however, my attitude and approach aren’t going to stop it from happening. Autumn is here, and I need to find a different way of approaching it so I can find a response that allows me to accept my feelings and be more self-compassionate and nurturing towards myself. I know only too well that if I keep my feelings neatly and tightly packed away, I find acceptance eludes me, and this enhances my suffering. I become both resentful and melancholic.

“I shall now connect to this inner warmth that I felt and continue to feel and draw on this.”

Rachel Podger

Acceptance and the ability to nurture come from a softening within that helps me come back to the present moment and breathe more freely. I can then gradually let go of summer and move tentatively into these cooler and darker months that will have moments of sunshine and joy despite all that is happening externally. As I write, I have just noticed the tenderness of a woman caring for her elderly parents and the gentleness of passers by to assist her in guiding them down some steps and out into the fresh chilly air. I shall now connect to this inner warmth that I felt and continue to feel and draw on this. It will fuel my walk and support me on my challenge to find the things I am grateful for today.


Mindful Eating


Visiting The Chelsea Flower Show