Living Inside My Menopausal Body

Living Inside My Menopausal Body

Having gained weight over the past three years and not being able to fit comfortably into a number of my trousers and tops has caused me a fair amount of emotional and physical discomfort.Nowadays, I can meet this with a growing depth of kindness and curiosity that I was unable to countenance in my earlier years. I wish I had been able to tell my younger self what I know now; it would have helped me to learn to love and accept myself as I am and, when I’m not, to talk to someone I trust about how I’m feeling.

“Living inside my menopausal body varies from day to day; after all, I am a living being, but what I know to be true is that the more I listen and tune into it, the more alive I feel.”

Rachel Podger

Living inside my menopausal body varies from day to day; after all, I am a living being, but what I know to be true is that the more I listen and tune into it, the more alive I feel. This, in turn, helps me to embody all of the things that I write about and, in particular, my mindfulness practice which is the anchor. When I lose connection with this, I am vulnerable to the world of my teenager, who felt uncomfortable and lonely inside a body that I felt out of control and at times angry towards.There is a comfort for my older self in knowing this anger is energy that I can use kindly and creatively when I meet it. It helps me to find acceptance of the fact that I can’t stop the ageing process, but I can access how I feel about it. This is particularly relevant when I put on trousers that I know won’t fit, but I really love, and decide that it really is time to say goodbye to them and treat myself to another pair that might be even more beautiful and comfortable!


Hibernate and Hideaway


Loving Kindness