Accepting a Slower Rhythm

Accepting a Slower Rhythm

“Without the energy that lifts mountains, how am I to live?” Mirabai

I notice that when I am tired, I allow the volume and frequency of my thoughts to increase to a level that actually further depletes my energy.

The energy and power of love lifts mountains, grows stronger and replenishes my moment to moment experience when I allow myself to stop, feel and connect with it.  The menopausal years have shown me that I love more deeply and this allows me to feel that it is still possible to lift mountains but from the wisdom of my heart and at a different pace from my younger self.

The power and wisdom of my heart harnesses me with the ability to tune into my body and acquaint myself with this new found pace.  I experience tiredness differently and it has a new purpose which is to connect me to my body through my heart.  I can now enjoy the restorative power of connection and expansion into the innate wisdom of both.

“The menopausal years have shown me that I love more deeply and this allows me to feel that it is still possible to lift mountains but from the wisdom of my heart and at a different pace from my younger self.”

Rachel Podger

Meditation, acupuncture (at the present time acupressure) and movement are all part of my spiritual, emotional and physical self-care and help me to find a relationship with this slower pace.  Mindfulness is at the core of this and I experience its restorative power as the food and breath of my soul.  It is the source of my connection to the energy that gives me access and freedom to love and I feel able to still lift mountains.  The empowerment that this gives me uplifts me to the height of a mountain and in fact way beyond it, and at the same time the solidity that I feel in my body gives me the energy and courage to dwell in my heart and remain connected to it.  It takes courage to live within the parameters of a slower,  gentler and kinder pace that my ageing body can relax into and with the wisdom of my heart and mountain like presence I feel up to the challenge!


Experiencing the moment


Time for Gratitude