Observing the wonders of nature

Observing the Wonders of Nature

“Observe the wonders as they occur around you.  Don’t claim them.  Feel the artistry moving through, and be silent” - Rumi

I write and watch a peacock butterfly and wonder at its beauty.  As I take time taking in a simple pleasure, I become aware of others that I experience on a daily basis and I feel more deeply connected to the meaning of gratitude.  Two more butterflies have flown in now and I observe their movement and beauty as if they are both around me and within me.  There is a grace and vulnerability that I experience as they move around a flower and I wonder where they will go next.

“I notice how blessed I feel to have experienced this passing moment with nature and the gift that it has given me will nourish me throughout the day.”

Rachel Podger

My heart opens a little more and it is at this moment that I feel so connected to the butterfly I can take flight and see life and all that is around me through a different lens and perspective.  The colour of each plant appears more vibrant and the clarity of birdsong fine tunes my ability to hear more clearly.  The silence that I experience within me is briefly interrupted by the sound of overhead noise and I as I acknowledge this it moves away and I come back to observe a bee moving around the head of a flower.  It is busy moving from one head to another and, having taken what it needed, moves on.

I notice how blessed I feel to have experienced this passing moment with nature and the gift that it has given me will nourish me throughout the day.  I feel this has been a meditation in itself and that all of my senses have been washed clean and rejuvenated by this experience of observing the wonders that have occurred around me this morning.  The silence that I feel inside me will allow me to breathe into this gift and return to the movement of life.


Simple pleasures


Taking a seat