Simple pleasures

Simple Pleasures

“There is a light seed grain inside.  You fill it with yourself, or it dies” - Rumi

I received a message from a friend of mine this morning to say that she will soon be permitted to start up her practice again. She gives the most wonderful facials and massages. The prospect of lying down for an hour and allowing myself to receive her soothing touch and kind attention fills me with joy.

“I am struck by how simple these pleasures are, and I hope by writing of them, I help you to reflect on what it is that brings you joy, however small.”

Rachel Podger

It reminds me of other gifts that I can give myself that uplift and fill me with joy.  The smell of sweet peas freshly cut from the garden or the taste of peas taken from their pods and eaten raw.  Or a bath in magnesium flakes or Epsom salts, or even freshly cut artemisia from the garden, especially grown after a holiday where I learnt of its healing properties.  Or a walk across the grass with bare feet, to connect to the earth and fill me with its strength and purity.  I could go on but these are a few of the ways that I recharge and reconnect with myself.  My love of animals, in particular my dog, is one that brings me back to the moment and in particular her smell, even when she has rolled in fox!  I will mention one last thing, and that is my love of pigs.  Their sound and playfulness, I’m sure they have a sense of humour, makes my heart sing and they never fail to bring a smile to my face.  If I, or my fiancée need cheering up, we will go on a particular walk where we can say hello to the pigs and return home with a smile on our faces.

As I write, I remind myself to stay in the moment with these or else I don’t allow myself the oxytocin that I need to help me feel happy and content.


An unexpected gift


Observing the wonders of nature