Breathing Through Stress

Breathing Through Stress

I recorded a meditation last week to help soften and soothe pain.  In my own personal meditation practise I have found this to be particularly helpful and was reminded of its benefits this week as I hurt my back. I notice that when I allow myself to breathe into pain rather than tighten up and resist it, I feel more connected to the pain and therefore able to be kind and allow myself space and time to acknowledge what my body is telling me.  It reminds me to take off my shoes and stand with bare-feet on the grass, and I feel the support of the earth beneath my feet.  This time I felt that the more I softened and breathed through the soles of my feet the deeper I felt my connection to the earth which allowed me to find both inner strength and kindness which then led to me finding more self-compassion.

“My back pain has allowed me to feel more deeply connected and aware of my body as a whole and I have begun to see areas of my life that need to be adjusted, and for this I am grateful.”

Rachel Podger

On reflection, I realise that leading up to this point I had been over-riding a couple of signs that I was fitting too much into a day and hadn’t been pacing myself.  Pacing is something I learnt during my Mindfulness training and although I was resistant to it, I now find it extremely helpful.  I am continually fascinated by the concept that if I pace myself and break down tasks, the more I am able to fit into my day.  If I over-ride a time limit on a task, my back will remind me that it is time to move, gently and mindfully. My back pain has allowed me to feel more deeply connected and aware of my body as a whole and I have begun to see areas of my life that need to be adjusted, and for this I am grateful. 


The Passage of Time


Leaving the door open