The Passage of Time

The Passage of Time

I became acutely aware over the weekend that time is ticking by and the weather is changing.  With this a familiar feeling of sadness arises within me; it is the end of the summer.  The leaves are beginning to turn and fall and this morning, as I paused beneath my favourite oak tree, I could hear the acorns dropping gently to the ground. I am also aware of the low light at this time of year, the sun shone brightly this morning and brought to life the dew on the grass.  Light reminds me of hope and new beginnings and it prompts me to take stock and reflect on what I am grateful for in my life.  

“The light and warmth of the sun is out now and I shall go for a walk and fill myself with its gift of light and hope.”

Rachel Podger

The light and stillness that are present now fill me with hope and an idea springs to mind for a daily meditation and/or pause that will remind me that summer will come again and there are benefits a beauty to the other seasons.   Autumn too has a wonderful range of smells and colours that allow me to deepen my connection to the earth and I have a special place for the smell of burning leaves and bonfires. For now, I will encourage myself to focus on all of the plants that are still in flower and the wonderful colours that they provide.  This helps me to enjoy what is left of summer and that September is full of sunshine and joy if I practise mindfulness and trust that nature is always present in my life, no matter how I feel inside about change and moving into the darker months of the year.  The light and warmth of the sun is out now and I shall go for a walk and fill myself with its gift of light and hope.


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