Rainy Days and Wet Labradors

Rainy Days and Wet Labradors

I hadn’t realised how much the clocks changing influence my mood at this time of year. I feel oddly out of sorts and notice that I have to be particularly disciplined about my mindfulness practice.  Today, as the rain poured down and Tiger looked at me in dismay at being taken out during a downpour, I laughed out loud and agreed with her - it really was not the best moment to go out of the house and get soaked. I told myself the adage there is no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing. It felt mildly helpful. However, when we arrived home, I felt uplifted by Tiger and her love of a rub down with a warm towel massage to dry her off; this brings me joy and I feel full of love for this rather smelly Labrador. Another morning of rain but an upside to the clocks changing is that it is light earlier. I was struck by the beauty of the contrast in the colours of what remained of the leaves on the trees. As I paused and took a breath to take this in, I felt a wave of gratitude which brought me into loving presence and reminded me of all that I am deeply thankful for.

“I was struck by the beauty of the contrast in the colours of what remained of the leaves on the trees.”

Rachel Podger

I am comforted by what I assumed to be a difficult and challenging time of year is made a little more enjoyable and uplifting by the simple acknowledgement to myself of my mood change. I know this intellectually and to feel and embody this sense that I have, giving myself time and space, really allows me to change my perspective. This brings me back to the importance of using and viewing my mindfulness practice as I do food for body and soul. It is the gift of presence that I receive from it that gives me energy and love that enhances my overall well-being, and I hope that it gives anyone who reads this some soul food for thought. It might help give you a ray of sunshine on what appears on the surface to be a dull and dreary day.


Finding my Feet


Watching the Waves