Childhood Games

Childhood Games

As I walked today, my attention was drawn to the morning rays of sunlight as they lit up a tree and the few remaining leaves that clung to its branches.  My connection with this tree then brought me back to my breath and body, and I felt soothed and uplifted by the spaciousness of this moment. Last week I wrote about how awareness of and connection with my breath helps me to be more present.  I was reminded of the phrase to take things one day at a time, and as I reflected on this, I realised the importance for me to take things one breath at a time.  I felt a sense of calm within my body as I connected with these words.  I feel blessed to receive and acknowledge joy from the beauty of these moments of connection.

“This joy of connection with my body reminded me of my childhood love of skipping, whether alone with a rope or in the playground with friends.”

Rachel Podger

This joy of connection with my body reminded me of my childhood love of skipping, whether alone with a rope or in the playground with friends.  I would spend hours playing various games.  I have often wondered if I might take it up again, it is such a good means of getting fit and the idea of it being fun appeals to my sense of playfulness which was reawakened by the tree this morning. I will start skipping for one minute and see how I feel.  I am asthmatic and will lose my breath and now trust that I will find it again.  I am aware that as a menopausal woman, it may take me longer to get fit, but I will give it a try.  I remember how good I felt in my younger body and hope that this will help me reconnect with my now ageing body but at a slower pace and find a sense of joy as I do it – hopefully!! 


Sounds of the Stream


Finding my Feet