A Pause Under the Trees

As I paused under some trees today, I took time to connect with the sound and movement of the leaves and felt a calmness encompass me.  In this moment I let go of the drive I had just completed and arrive in the present.  I then became aware of the sound of the organ playing in the church nearby.  I immersed myself in the beauty of this moment and felt blessed and re-energised.  Coming back to my senses, I realised their importance for bringing a richness and depth to my experience. In turn, I felt gratitude and my heart lift as I watched Tiger taking her time to sniff and reacquaint herself with her surroundings.  Once she had done this, I noticed she then began to say hello to passers-by; once again, she reminded me to take my time, slow down and take in my surroundings.  Transitions, of any size and shape, are important to recognise. 

“I immersed myself in the beauty of this moment and felt blessed and re-energised.”  

Rachel Podger

As human beings, we can easily allow ourselves to get caught up in the doing and not allow ourselves to be; I am reminded of what I wrote about last week as it feels like I am once again catching up with myself. A day later and the sun has arrived and there is a warmth that feels uplifting and I hope this will encourage the plants and trees to blossom.  Even if only for a few minutes, I encourage anyone who reads this to take time to pause and take in this warmth and notice how this feels.  I found it so nurturing and life giving and for a moment my mind stopped and I bathed in feeling connected to the sunshine and joy that this moment gave me.


Being with Tiredness


Sigh of Relief