Breathing Into Pain

Breathing Into Pain

Last week, after acknowledging the amount of stress that I was feeling, my back then decided to let me know the extent of this stress and the impact it was having on me physically. I spent the majority of the weekend intermittently putting ice on my lower back and from time to time walking gently around the garden. To begin with, I found my resistance to the pain I was feeling extremely challenging. I was angry and frustrated by this and yet the more I breathed into it and worked with accepting rather than resisting it, the more it eased, little by little.

“Acceptance of this pain has shown me that slowing down and listening to my body is part of living life in my ageing body.”

Rachel Podger

My sister, who is an osteopath, kindly gave me a treatment and explained what was happening mechanically. There was inflammation in the joint that needed space and time to unwind; it was telling me to stop and be. Gradually, I began to take in my surroundings and I allowed myself to be supported by my fiancée who was offering loving kindness and understanding. He showed me the way forward and I began to accept his support and appreciate his gentleness. Acceptance of this pain has shown me that slowing down and listening to my body is part of living life in my ageing body. It deserves respect, appreciation, and plenty of kindness.


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