Hot Flushes

Although less frequent, my hot flushes are predominantly present at the beginning and end of each day. The one that I had early yesterday morning was particularly prolonged and intense. I found this experience momentarily overwhelming and intolerable. However, by taking advantage of mindfulness practices and gaining awareness of my senses, I was able to calm and cool down. 

The sense of relief that I felt when the icy breeze touched my face and spread throughout my body was a welcome awakening to another way of being, and it brought both a sigh of relief and a smile to my face. Joy, I no longer felt hot and uncomfortable in myself.

“I was in awe of the support that nature gave me in the space of a minute, and, as I recall this now, I remember the sense of wonder and renewal it provided.”

Rachel Podger

As my inner discomfort eased, my outer awareness expanded into nature, and I saw my surroundings through fresh eyes. Instantly, my attention was drawn to the sound of the wind blowing through the trees, the dark sky, and the racing clouds. The birds, which I hadn’t been aware of whilst I focused on my hot flush and discomfort, were singing their morning greeting. It was as if they were helping me remember the joy and sense of relief that I felt a minute ago as my body temperature dropped.

I was in awe of the support that nature gave me in the space of a minute, and, as I recall this now, I remember the sense of wonder and renewal it provided. I feel gratitude at its constant presence in my life and am reminded to use it as a means of reconnecting to myself when I feel overwhelmed and uncomfortable.


Inner Conflict


Serenity Prayer