
We were blessed with beautiful sunshine for the entire day of our wedding, and what a wonderfully joyful one it was.

From the moment I woke to the moment my head hit the pillow, my entire being felt full of love and gratitude. My family, friends, and everyone who helped and supported us made it the most memorable day of my life.

It began with Buddhist celebrations of our dear friends in a monastery in the mountains of Bhutan, with the lighting of holy smoke to clear and purify the way for our married life, and ended with dancing and a great deal of laughter in a marquee in the Sussex countryside. A coming together from near and far, geographically speaking!

“From the moment I woke to the moment my head hit the pillow, my entire being felt full of love and gratitude.”

Rachel Podger

There were those who couldn’t make it for many different reasons, but I felt their presence with us, especially in our prayers.

Throughout the day, I felt especially grateful for my mindfulness practise as it helped me take in this precious day and reminded me to keep reconnecting with my heart and the huge love I feel for my now husband. New beginnings and adventures have begun and are anchored with the support and love of our friends and family. I’m excited to see what unfolds …


Coming Back to Joy


The Scent of a Rose