Wear Your Stress Lightly.

Wear Your Stress Lightly

Stress is as much a part of life as breathing. It is a symbiotic relationship that needs to be worked on.

Stress comes with choices. Your choice is how to manage the circumstances stress thrusts upon you. It can be overwhelming but it can also be enlightening; it can creep up on you like a shadow or explode in your mind like a bomb.

The internal and external challenges that you are facing today are many and varied and I plan to show in my course around stress how you can use the wonderful practice of Mindfulness and Meditation to learn about and improve your coping mechanisms and become aware and in control of your stress response through your breath and body awareness.  You will learn that you can experience a moment when you pause for long enough to bring yourself back into the present moment and choose your response to the situation. This will be transformative.

“Our habitual responses, so deeply ingrained, that they have become a fact of life and for your own physical and mental well-being must change.”

Rachel Podger

Stress is a journey climbing many hills and mountains, this course will help you crest these peaks of anxiety and bring you back to new sweet horizons of contentment.  We are, too often, unaware that we are living our lives and existing in a state of flight, flight and freeze. Our habitual responses, so deeply ingrained, that they have become a fact of life and for your own physical and mental well-being must change.  You can learn new ways to give yourself choices that will allow you to respond both differently and positively. Harnessing stress allows you to take from it, rather than it take from you.

Stress can be a friend as long as you own it rather than let it own you. The awareness of this is transformative.


Applying Mindfulness in the Moment of Contact


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