Applying Mindfulness in the Moment of Contact

Applying Mindfulness in the Moment of Contact

“Applying mindfulness in the moment of contact, at the point of contact, we rest in the openness of pure seeing, without getting so caught up in our highly conditioned, reactive, and habitual thinking or in a stream of disturbance in the feeling realm” - Jon Kabat-Zinn

Nature holds wisdom and hope when I pause to connect with it, I am calmed by its presence.  In the moment of connection, I stop and notice my breath and body and experience a deeper awareness that gives me permission to take time, sometimes even the briefest of moments, to dwell in the present and immerse myself in what I see.  It feels like a friend who reaches out in a heartfelt moment and asks me to tell them how I am.  I pause to take a breath and share what I see both inside and outside myself.

To connect with nature feels easier at this time of year as the many visual delights and their beauty captivates me each and every time I step outside.  I have taken photographs of buds that are now in full blossom and I wait with eagerness for more to follow.  I love to see some of the trees start to flower and the leaves open to an array of colour.  I am astounded by the fact that seeds I planted a few weeks ago have begun to show themselves above the surface of the soil, having broken free from the darkness and been drawn upwards and outwards into the warmth and light. 

“Nature holds wisdom and hope when I pause to connect with it, I am calmed by its presence.”

Rachel Podger

The excitement, tenderness and warmth that I feel to witness this sight brings a smile to my heart and in turn encourages me to keep growing and trust that as the seeds that I sowed will grow into plants that thrive, I will continue to sow and nurture seeds that help me to see my path to wholeness and maturity and provide me with food and joy.

“The time will come

When, with elation,

You will greet yourself arriving

At your own door, in your own mirror,

And each will smile at the other’s welcome,

And say, sit here, Eat.


Feast on your life”.

Derek Walcott


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