Alive and present within me

Alive and Present Within Me

“You have not grown old, and it is not too late to dive into your increasing depths where life calmly gives out its own secret.” - Rilke

I remember when I turned 40 I felt myself take a deep breath and said to myself I can now relax, I really don’t have anything to prove any more.  I experienced it as a time in my life when I could simply let go and have fun and allow myself to be comfortable in my own skin.  Little did I know that this was the beginning of my deeper exploration into what it was that I wanted from life and also what more that I wanted to give to life.

My work as a body therapist was going well and I enjoyed it enormously however there was more that I wanted to learn about and that was the connection between the mind and the body.  The more that I have studied I have discovered how disconnected I was from my body; this awareness has taken me into the depths of my defences and vulnerabilities and as I now emerge into the light, eyes blinking from the darkness, I feel lighter and happier within and am also less afraid of the dark. 

“I am now over 50 and am excited that I can go even deeper and discover more secrets about life and its mystery.”

Rachel Podger

There have naturally been huge challenges on the way, which have demanded times of self-reflection and a willingness to trust in the people who have supported me on this journey, and continue to do so.  I realise it is in this exchange that I have gradually allowed myself to let go and be held in their presence which has unveiled the beauty of relationship and brought to life the qualities of love, dignity, humour and above all humility.  The grace and courage that I have witnessed in my clients and friends, which I longed for, I can now feel alive and present within me and this allows me to embrace life now and enjoy and appreciate its beauty. 

I am now over 50 and am excited that I can go even deeper and discover more secrets about life and its mystery.  For now, Tiger, my dog, reminds me that it is important to remember to play and to save my writing before she throws her stick onto my keyboard!


Immersing in stillness


Reminiscing over playful memories