Immersing in stillness

Immersing in Stillness

“When the precious human body is properly tended, its benevolence spills over to all of life.  The impulse to tend, to care for, to heal, to embody love and freedom grows in us.  The worlds that have been separated in us come together to make a whole” - Jack Kornfield

As I sat in the garden early this morning, I was inspired to record a meditation to help capture the stillness that I felt.  The word stillness came to me as there wasn’t a breath of air and the only sounds were my neighbour preparing breakfast and the occasional buzz of a bee or call of a bird

“It was as if the benevolence of the earth was showing me that there really was no separation between us.”

Rachel Podger

I felt so privileged and blessed to be sharing this space with the plants around me, and as I allowed myself to immerse myself in the day’s stillness and be with all of my experience, I felt myself relax and appreciate all of it in a way that I hadn’t previously been able to.  It was as if the years of tending and caring for my plants and acknowledging both their dependence on my care and the appreciation for what I have done, came to life in that moment.  Aligned with this was the reawakening all of my senses that became even clearer and bolder.

I experienced something very similar last week when I stood in the middle of a playing field and through connecting with my breath, and feeling the green space around me, I connected to a spaciousness within me.  It was as if the benevolence of the earth was showing me that there really was no separation between us.

The richness of this experience was so great that I wanted to share it and encourage everyone to either stand or lie down and allow yourself to do this regularly, preferably without shoes on, and to see how you feel.  This really is vital and even more so at this time.


Exercising gently, kindly and mindfully


Alive and present within me