When Life Gives You Apples

When Life Gives You Apples

I visited a beautiful and enchanting farm last week where one of the many delights I experienced was a mature orchard full of different fruit trees.  I was particularly drawn to what I learnt was a quince tree, whose fruit smelt beautifully sweet.  The apple trees were plentiful and laden with the most delicious looking fruit.  It took me back to my childhood and time spent picking and storing apples.  To this day I can remember the smell of the apple store and how careful and attentive I was with those apples! Today I was reminded of the visit to the farm whilst I paused to take in the beauty of a few random fruit trees that are positioned in the middle of a field and bordered by a busy path used by commuters and school children as they hurry to their respective destinations.

“I will remember to breathe and pace myself and see it as an opportunity to focus on lowering my stress levels and to connect with all of my senses.”

Rachel Podger

The contrast of my experience of beauty and busyness gave me space to come into the present moment, in which I found a sense of inner stillness and peace and with this awareness I noticed how I felt more equipped to be with the outer busyness.  As I paused for a few minutes to take in and receive the stillness and be in this moment I felt time stand still.  As I walked on, I felt full of gratitude and nourished by this experience.  It also reminded me of the meditation I recorded earlier this morning on nourishing ourselves using our breath. This sense of nourishment made me appreciate more deeply the joys of fruit trees at this time and the abundance of opportunity for making jam and stewing fruit to freeze.  I am not adept at either of these, but I am willing to try! Whilst doing this, I will remember to breathe and pace myself and see it as an opportunity to focus on lowering my stress levels and to connect with all of my senses.  How difficult can it be?


For My Friends


Pausing and Saying "Hello" To Nature