Pausing and Saying "Hello" To Nature

Pausing and Saying "Hello" to Nature

I paused to say hello to a pig this week who, from time to time, comes over to say hello when I walk past her field.  On this occasion, she leant up against the fence, so I gave her a gentle stroke and rub.  I massaged her back from the base of her ears all the way down her spine and then gave her a gentle scratch and within a minute or two she was lying down fast asleep. I was overwhelmed by the speed of her response to being touched.  I made a video recording of this which I have put on my Instagram so that I could share it with you.  I found it so soothing to witness her ability to rest and relax after being massaged.  I reflected on the impact that must have had on her nervous system and how this in turn influenced mine, even more so now as I reconnect with our shared experience.

For many years, I have studied and experienced massage and its benefits, both in giving and receiving, and remain in awe of the power of touch as a means of relaxation and connection.  I was struck by being outside in nature with this experience and it reminds me of the thrill and importance of lying down on the grass and tuning in with how this feels and smells.

“I reflected on the impact that must have had on her nervous system and how this in turn influenced mine, even more so now as I reconnect with our shared experience.”

Rachel Podger

This experience brought together many of the things I love and appreciate and reminded me to stop and pause more often.  In particular, it took me back to my beginnings, to my love of animals and how relaxing I find them to be with.   It also brought to mind the benefits of touch and smell and memories of aromas and aromatherapy oils I used in massage, especially those used to help relax

It is essential to pause to touch and smell, to take in the good and beautiful.  To keep bringing myself back to what I know helps calm my nervous system which makes the enjoyment of these things more impactful and longer lasting


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