A Moment of Joy in an Uncertain World

A Moment of Joy in an Uncertain World

Feelings of vulnerability and fragility can be hard to acknowledge.  I have discovered that one of the key aspects of mindfulness I find helpful in these moments is that of meditation accompanied by visualisation.  It helps me to create an internal image that harnesses me with an opportunity for a different experience that sustains and enhances my well-being. This has been particularly helpful around the deep sadness that I have experienced at being unable to visit in person members of my family who live abroad.  I make an effort to keep in touch virtually and by telephone yet there is nothing like being in their presence.  Feelings of sadness and loss of connection stay with me unless I honour them; they are what help me stay connected and enable me to feel the people whom I love are alive and present within me.  As I pause now to be with my feelings of sadness, I remember that I can trust myself to contain this and in turn I allow feelings and memories of childhood to surface.   This brings me joy.

“In order to sustain myself I have to be even more disciplined and committed to what sustains rather than drains me.”

Rachel Podger

The meditation that I recorded today invites you to go to a happy place and feel what it is like to be there, to connect with feelings and sensations of joy.  My happy place that comes to mind is spending time with animals and being with all of the different sensations and feelings that this invokes brings a huge smile to my face. I find this particularly helpful at the moment as I notice I am deeply challenged by this time of uncertainty.  In order to sustain myself I have to be even more disciplined and committed to what sustains rather than drains me.  I am mindful of not ignoring my experience and the reality of what is happening, but acknowledging the importance of self-care and taking myself to my happy place on a regular basis.  This is both life-enhancing and food for my soul. I hope that the meditation I have recorded this week helps you to be in contact with a happy place within yourself and you feel inspired to pass it on to others. 


A Helping Hand From Nature


For My Friends