Colour is a Healer

Colour is a Healer

As I walked this morning my attention was drawn to the deep red of the berries on a number of trees and bushes.  Red has so many varying meanings and for the purpose of this blog I am focusing on the root chakra which is symbolised by the colour red and it is the energy centre that helps us to feel grounded and safe and secure in ourselves.  When it is out of balance it can leave us feeling anxious and depleted, instable and prone to feelings of hopelessness. I feel it is of particular importance to pause and be with this colour at the moment and have this week recorded a meditation to help with this connection. 

“Colour helps to root ourselves in times of stress and anxiety and this can be done by picturing the colour or image of a tree of bush or something in nature that you find calming and strengthening.”

Rachel Podger

I am aware that as I write and re-connect to my experience this morning, I bring to life a feeling of being re-energised and calmer.  Our nervous systems can be easily depleted at this time of year and to take time to pause and remember our energy centres and how they calm our nervous systems is paramount to inner stability and helps to sustain us when we ask more of ourselves. As I so often write, Nature is a great healer and through my mindfulness practice I connect with it more consciously and I have developed a deeper and more joyful experience and understanding of it.  To bring my practice into alignment with the chakra system enables me to feel more spacious and in turn to allow the smaller and not less significant berries of the plants and trees to give me hope and energy and a sense of inner calm and connection.


Christmas Past


The Colour Pink