Spring Sunrise

Spring Sunrise

As I watched the sun rise early this morning I felt a wave of gratitude for its beauty and presence. I felt a silence and peacefulness within me that I’d not experienced in a long while. It reminded me of the importance of rising early every once in a while and taking yourself out into world, wherever you are. This time of year is full of potential and as I glance at the daffodils and their bright and cheerful yellow I am then drawn to the primroses and their delicate flowers. They were a favourite of my Grandmother and my Mother reminded me of this as we shared our love of nature and flowers this morning.

“This time of year is full of potential and as I glance at the daffodils and their bright and cheerful yellow I am then drawn to the primroses and their delicate flowers.” 

Rachel Podger

I don’t have children to pass this onto but hope that by my sharing you can find some primroses on a walk this bank holiday weekend and pause to take in the sweet scent of Spring and remember the joy of connecting with love and nature and the shared experience. We are never too old to take in the simple pleasures of life and the scent of Spring is definitely one to dwell on and immerse yourself in.


In Times of Stress

