In Times of Stress

In Times of Stress

I believe that the saying “in times of stress we (can and sometimes) regress” is such an important statement to remember and helps me to find compassion towards myself and others that are not behaving as I would like and hope them to. I added the words can and sometimes as this doesn’t always happen; it helps when I can catch myself and remember to breathe and pause.  Naturally this doesn’t change my external situation and alter my list of things to do but it does help me approach it differently. Stress builds up within and I find my hot flushes increase quite dramatically and the knock-on impact is the quality of my sleep changes.  One of the most beneficial Mindfulness techniques at this time is the awareness of and connection with my breath.  It allows me to soften within and find self-compassion.  When I am particularly caught up in stress, I put a great deal of pressure on myself and notice that I forget to connect with my both my breath and in turn disconnect from self-compassion. 

“Stress at this time of my life is beginning to show me a different way of being and it feels a relief to accept that it is in my life rather than to keep battling to push it away and deny it.”

Rachel Podger

I have come to realise that my breath feels like an old friend who has been trying to get my attention by waving at me lovingly, energetically and enthusiastically but due to stress and being caught in thoughts, I wasn’t able to see or remember them.  Just as my friends do, it wants me to know that it has my back and I need to listen and give it space in order for me to take its advice and slow down. As children we learn to walk and along with the occasional fall, we are on our way; excited and eager to experience the world.  As we age, if we can learn to walk a little more slowly and mindfully, we can learn to pace ourselves.Stress at this time of my life is beginning to show me a different way of being and it feels a relief to accept that it is in my life rather than to keep battling to push it away and deny it.


Saying Goodbye


Spring Sunrise