Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye

I moved into my flat 15 years ago and am now saying goodbye to it.  Soon after I arrived, I planted a new hedge of ceanothus which is now at its most beautiful, purple vibrant self and has never been better.  The scent, which I hadn’t noticed previously, is sweet and the bees love it.  This fills me with hope and that over time and with love and care, new life can grow and flourish.I feel so blessed to have lived here and made a home for myself after the sudden loss of my father.  I have a sense of him helping me now, as I did immediately after his death, and I feel a mixture of feelings; sadness that he is no longer alive to witness my next stage of life and excited and a little nervous about this move and what the future holds.

“My father helped me believe I was capable and strong.”

Rachel Podger

What I do know is that my father helped me believe I was capable and strong and his playfulness encouraged me to embrace life with curiosity and light heartedness.  This reminds me of my Mindfulness practice and to use my techniques and all that I have learnt to be in the moment and to experience all of my feelings and remember that I carry all of my memories within me.  They will help me co-create a future that is different to the one that I have had in this home and one that is shared with the person that I am blessed to have re-met at this later stage of my life. I am also aware that I may want to find a slower pace of life after moving as moving home requires a great deal of energy!


Thankful for Nature


In Times of Stress