Grateful for the Smallest Things

This week has been a busy one for me and I have been curious about how my energy and how I have managed it.

I have found my mindfulness practice particularly helpful during this time and am grateful for the smallest things; like how just now the wind picked up and I felt the breeze on my face. Earlier on I noticed some roses and I paused to smell and be with their essence as it filtered through my body.

“I’m aware of a tiredness within me but my mind and soul are open to the day and the gifts that it has to share with me.”

Rachel Podger

My heart lifted and I felt rejuvenated. This reminds me to consciously connect with my senses and breathe into them. Time feels more abundant and less restrictive when I allow myself these pauses.

I’m aware of a tiredness within me but my mind and soul are open to the day and the gifts that it has to share with me.

I shall now walk slowly and give myself some extra time to take in the sunshine and beauty of nature before my day begins again.


Reflecting on Menopause


Finding Colour