Slowing Down

Slowing Down

Slowing down, in fact the intention to slow down, has helped me to relax and be more present and in my body. How do I know I am in my body? I breathe more slowly which allows me to feel an inner calm, and I become more aware of my responses and senses. I relax and feel my sitting bones and feet which help me connect to the earth and this gives me a feeling of spaciousness. This is an inner space where I feel creative and grateful for my mindfulness practice. I am aware it is relaxing rather than collapsing. It is being. In the past, as a young woman with a tendency towards doing, I labelled this an unproductive space or even lazy.

“I am aware it is relaxing rather than collapsing. It is being.”

Rachel Podger

Drawing from the wisdom of hindsight, I realise I was trying to be two steps ahead of myself, and through tiredness and being so driven and lost, I missed out on the wonder of being in the moment and the many opportunities to connect with people. I was lost to myself, and others, and out of my body. Nowadays, if I’m out of my body I’m unable to back myself and hear what my body is telling me. What a relief it is to reach this time of my life and appreciate being alive and in menopause. My ageing body has a great deal to share with me and I am learning to listen more closely. I feel it will help me enjoy this next half of my life, a little more slowly and one breath at a time. It is my connection to being that allows me to rest and when I slip back into old habits, which I inevitably will, I will be quicker to catch myself!




Reflecting on Menopause