
As I recorded a meditation this morning and connected with the sunshine outside, I felt the warmth of it within me and allowed this feeling to slowly fill my entire body.  I felt residual tension and tiredness gradually subside as I breathed into this warmth.One of the downsides of menopause and ageing can be a change in the strength of our bones, and the benefits of Vitamin D is widely researched and written about.  As I absorbed the sunshine this morning, I was reminded of this and felt a deepening connection with my bones and enjoyed the space this feeling gave me.

“One of the downsides of menopause and ageing can be a change in the strength of our bones, and the benefits of Vitamin D is widely researched and written about.”

Rachel Podger

I remembered this later in the morning when I stopped to eat breakfast outside on a bench in the sunshine, feeling once more the literal warmth of the sun on my back. What an uplifting and joyful experience it was to feel supported by nature. It prompted me to connect with my other senses and I began to notice the sounds of the birds and wind through the trees and to look more closely at my surroundings.  As I moved on from this place, I turned to read a plaque on the bench which reminded me of the importance of pausing for a while and connecting with those that have gone before me. We are all connected to one another and during times of change and transition I feel it even more powerfully. I will be spending more time taking in the wonders of nature and in particular the sun over the next few days. Tiger will be too. She loves to lie on the grass in the sun and take in her surroundings.


The Heat of the Moment


Slowing Down