Being With My Pain

Being with my Pain

“In joy and sorrow all are equal; thus be guardian of all, as of yourself.” Shantideva

Earlier this week, I lifted a box of books that were heavier than I realised, and I am now in pain. This pain is preoccupying, and I wasn’t sure what to write about. I decided to pick up one of my books on mindfulness for some inspiration. 

“The writing that followed reminded me to be with the pain, immerse myself in it, breathe into it, and soften to it.”

Rachel Podger

I opened my book, and the chapter began with the above quote. The writing that followed reminded me to be with the pain, immerse myself in it, breathe into it, and soften to it. I have been able to do this at times throughout the day, and I have noticed that I feel more loving and accepting towards it when I do.  

The next step is to send this love out to others; this eases the pain further. I will keep doing this. Each time I tighten to the pain, I will use my beginner's mind to gently and kindly remind myself to breathe. 


The Importance of Touch

