Simple Pleasures

Simple Pleasures

Focusing on simple pleasures today has helped me through a particularly busy time. Tiger, my dog, has been with me, and I have noticed that she has helped me stop, come back to the moment, and focus on the here and now.This brings me such joy, and she has responded to this focus, mainly by me stroking her gently and talking to her a great deal, with a stillness that I have found hugely uplifting and calming. It has reminded me to take time to pause and focus on one thing more often.

“Focusing on simple pleasures today has helped me through a particularly busy time.”

Rachel Podger

As I write and take in the ageing skin on my hands, I am reminded to put hand cream on more often tomorrow. This will give me time to focus on them and appreciate all they do for me.Simple pleasures can be so rich and rewarding.


Peace and Quiet


The Beauty of Nature