Rest and Recovery

Rest and Recovery

Being ill over the past ten days has reminded me of the importance of rest and taking time to recover. I have found my mindfulness techniques invaluable on the path back to health.

I often write about pacing myself, and I have found this has been essential at this time. I have noticed that each day of feeling a little better has meant that I could walk a little further. When I found myself out of breath, I could stop, rest, and take in my surroundings.

“As the sunshine and the warmth of the air fills me with hope and a sense of renewal, I feel myself absorbing nature's healing essence.”

Rachel Podger

Today, as the sunshine and the warmth of the air fills me with hope and a sense of renewal, I feel myself absorbing nature's healing essence, and I feel energised and uplifted by this.

I will continue to take time to absorb the stillness and wonder of nature during this time of healing and rest. I will also continue to feel blessed and grateful for the arrival of spring and the colours that it offers to coax me gently back into movement and connection with the outside world.


Past Decisions


The Importance of Touch