Mindfulness Blogs
Read the latest posts below:
The Power of Colour
I picture the green of the leaves that caught my attention this morning, and I fill myself with their image and colour.
Sounds of the Stream
I know from experience the moment I step outside and take a breath of air, I feel more relaxed and better for moving and feeling the air on my face and the ground beneath my feet.
Childhood Games
The joy of connection with my body reminded me of my childhood love of skipping, whether alone with a rope or in the playground with friends. I would spend hours playing various games.
Finding my Feet
Gratitude is something that I have been practising as part of my mindfulness practice for many years now and I have become aware of my deepening relationship with it.
Rainy Days and Wet Labradors
I am comforted by what I assumed to be a difficult and challenging time of year is made a little more enjoyable and uplifting by the simple acknowledgement to myself of my mood change.